Mr. Andrzej Kruszewicz, PhD is a director of Warsaw ZOO, veterinary specialist by education and ornitlogist by passion. He founded "Bird Asylum" in Warsaw creating a secure place for all kinds of birds.
His knowledge and passion was highly appreciated by the audience. It was our last lecture within the program "Forests for all, all for forests".
His knowledge and passion was highly appreciated by the audience. It was our last lecture within the program "Forests for all, all for forests".
In June, 2012 Ms Izabela Michalska, v-ice president of "Wild Rose" Foundation gave a lecture about Rosa Rugosa. She convinced us that it is very useful and valuable bush, not only because of nice looking flowers. Fruits of Rosa Rugosa are the richest source of Vitamine C, so important for our health and well-being. After lecture we degustated rose tea and home-made jam.
Let's plant Rosa Rugosa in our gardens and public space. Maybe one day Podkowa Leśna will become the Rose Kingdom...
Lecture „Can the forest be private” held on 9th May, 2012 by
prof. Tomasz Żylicz
•Forest ecosystems have big potential of public good.
•So they could not be commercialised easily.
•Privatisation of forests is possible but it wouldn’t make more income for budget revenues.
Healthy life with herbs
In December 2011 we had a great opportunity to get known a herb practioner Mr Mateusz Senderski. He has devoted his life for possessing knowledge about herbs and spreading this knowledge by writing books and giving lectures. He believes that almost all of the illnesses could be treated with herbal plants. He tried to convinced the audience that the chemical medicines almost always have side effects, in the contrary to the herbs, which act in a complete way, and cure the human-being, not the one illness.
Mr Mateusz Senderski is the owner of the firm producing herbal teas and other specifics based on herbs. W could try some examples of his herbal mixtures.
Poland: Lecture on the Polish Forests
Poland: Lecture on the Polish Forests
November, 16th we had a pleasure to listen to a very interesting lecture on Polish forests. Mrs. Anna Namura-Ochalska, Ph.D. from University of Warsaw presented the diversity of Polish forests. We learnt that the type of forest depends on the soil and water. The listeners (about 50 people) were delighted by the photos which illustrated the lecture.
We started the New Year 2012 with a very attractive lecture given by Prof. Joanna Pijanowska from Warsaw University. She presented two approaches to the future of our planet Earth. One positive called “Gaia’s hypothesis” worked out by J. Lovelock and one negative called “Medea’s hypothesis” worked out by P. Ward. None of them is fully scientific and supported by hard data, but both evoke deep emotions not only in academic circles.
Even the negative scenario gives us a hope that we, human beings, can postpone The End of The Earth by limiting our consumption. Anyway, Prof. Joanna Pijanowska told us, that the end will come in 8 millions years. Nobody from the audience seemed to be frightened by this bloomy perspective…
Presentation of the book "Children's Participation: the theory and practice of involving young citizens in community development and environmental care" by Roger Hart.
The book , by one of the world's leading authorities on environmental education , is written in the conviction that children can play a valuable and lasting role in sustainable development.
Dr Dina Tamoutseli has made the translation in greek language and was one of the presenters.
The presentation took place in the School of Education of Aristotle University and was attended by more than 70 people, educators from formal and non formal education, students from second chance schools, future teachers and many members of CARETAKERS OF THE ENVIRONMENT GREECE.
Friday 20th January 2012
Dr. Konstantia Tamoutseli, president of CARETAKERS GREECE and lecturer of the Pedagogical Faculty of ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY, presented the book:
“ Children’s participation. The theory and Practice of involving young citizens in community development and environmental care” by Roger A. Hart .
Dr. K. Tamoutseli has written the prologue and had the attention of the edition in Greek. Notable lecturers participated in the discussion which followed and the audience acquired extensive and thorough information about the content of the book.
It is a useful tool which applies to teachers, educators, architects, landscape designers, to name but a few and underlines the importance of the development of democratic and sustainable communities with respect to young people and care for the environment.
Members of the Greek work team of the Grudtvig Project “FOREST FOR ALL, ALL FOR FOREST ” participated in organizing the event and attended with project learners the event.
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The organizing group of CARETAKERS at the end of the presentation
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Τhe president of Caretakers Greece in the panel of presenters
CARETAKERS OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE POST GRADUATE PROGRAM OF FACULTY OF EDUCATION ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY THESSALONIKI organized a conference for the presentation of the Greek translation of the book “ SENSE AND SUSTAINABILITY : EDUCATING FOR A LOW CARBON ECONOMY” by Ken Webster Head of Learning - Ellen MacArthur Foundation and Craig Johnson.
Ken Webster was invited as keynote speaker.
The 65 participants were teachers, teacher students, adult students of 2nd Night School
of Thessaloniki and of the Second Chance school of Neapolis Thessaloniki .
Presentation was done by the president of CARETAKERS OF THE ENVIRONMENT GREECE D.Tamoutseli and J.Markopoulos professor of the Faculty of Education Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The presentation was coordinatd by the dean of the Department of Education.
This book sets a major challenge to educators and educational establishments by not only introducing the principles of sustainability to students but also seeking to change the way schools and colleges approach education and view themselves in the context of the local community and society in general.
The first four chapters are used for putting forward the case for a cradle to cradle approach, or ‘circular economy’, rather than the currently ingrained paradigm of ‘take-make-dump’. Sense and Sustainability is based around systems thinking. It applies this to all its work as a reflection of changes in science, which identify nonlinear systems as the norm and the older machine like linear models as special
cases or of limited value. Systems approaches based on feedback are the key to understanding participatory learning, to understanding design processes, to understanding how change happens; to the circular or closed loop economy, to understanding ecology, living systems and other feedback led processes such as climate and indeed democracy. Throughout, the authors, Ken Webster and Craig Johnson, use and celebrate lessons from Nature.
Differentrain forest layers in rain forest were used as a main example of closed loop feedback systems.. Limits are a constant reality in the rainforest, yet, paradoxically, scarcity is its own remedy. It triggers constant feedback, learning, and adaptations that shape the organisms and the relationships between organisms so that an extraordinary diversity and richness of life develops.
The presentation raised a lot of question and there was a long discussion as the topic was very interesting to the participants.
Evaluation forms were give to adult students and teachers . All of them said that the presentation was inspiring, that it opened them a new window on looking at education for sustainability.